Addiction Shaming


The Addiction Shaming campaign is a contemporary and empowering campaign that was formulated in order fight the stigma that is associated with drug abuse and addiction.
The campaign gives the addicts main stage to expose their soul and display themselves as real people who are not just the stereotype we all think of when we hear the words addiction.
people in subway with poster in the back
The brief asked for an advertising concept that will fight against the shaming that the drug addicts go through and give them a clear message to act.
The required deliverables were full print and digital contents, and a guerilla advertising.
This project was part of my studying and was done with cooperation with Alon Almog.

Target audience

The campaign’s target audience are ordinary people who live among us, but hide their drug addiction.  Ages 18-30, living in Israel.

Consumer insight

The campaign concept was based on the consumer insight that anyone can have a drug addiction- your neighbor, your co-worker, maybe even you sibling.
The drug addicts act as if it’s all good, but struggle with an unwanted drug problem and the burden of hiding that secret, fearing the shame that accompanies it.
The addicts find it difficult to rehabilitate, the fear of shaming that they carry prevent them from doing the first step – asking for help.

Concept and message

The campaign concept is to expose the most private details of the rehabilitated drug addicts. It displays their I.D, their faces and their drug addiction big a clear. But most importantly, it displays it with pride and saying: I rehabbed, but first I rehabbed from the shame.





Heebo Medium


The guerilla advertising relies on a person picking up a lost I.D. in order to return it (hopefully).
The I.D.s will be put on the streets, in bars, and other public places. When a person will pick it up and check it he will find the campaign main advertising component and it’s message.


Cellular banner

banner screens


Facebook (post, profile and cover photos)



Banner/Continuous billaboard