Jesta Sec-hand


Jesta Sec-hand is a second-hand app that encourage the use of second hand items. The app’s interface is inspired by dating apps where proximity is prioritized within user’s search.
The app’s functions is easy and quick to use, lending itself to a simple and effortless virtual thrifting experience.
Any Jesta Sec-hand user can buy or sell items, the payments are handles privately between a buyer and seller rather than through a payment system.
The brief asked for an app interface and experience design that will elevate it comparison to the other second-hand apps on the market.
The required deliverables were the following app screens: home, filtering, item, chats and registration.
This project was part of my studying and the app idea was the fruit of my mind.

Target audience

The target audience is busy and lazy people in need for certain bargain items, or just thrifting lovers. Ages 18-35, living in Israel.


Current second hand apps and websites are too complex for daily use. Their vast searching and filtering phase combined with a slow browsing experience leaves the user with a sense of overwhelm and lack of productivity.
Jesta Sec-hand simplifies the steps within each of actions in order to make the traffic quick, dynamic and mundanely daily.






Heebo Medium



The home screen displays items for sell/handing based on their location from nearest to furthest.
The filtering panel is reachable from the home screen with limited and non obligating categories to choose from.
At the end of the filtering process the relevant items are displayed on a screen identical to the home screen.


The app connects between strangers, so for security reasons a registration is a must before making any contact.
The registration is quick and possible using a phone number or with a Google or Facebook account.


The item screen is informative and narrowed down, that lets the user focus on the important details, and most importantly, on the appearance of the item.
The user can quickly scroll the items according to their location, from nearest to furthest.
The scrolling is possible for an unfiltered or filtered browsing, and also for the favorites list.
yellow sofa item screen


Adding items to favorites list is easy and quick and can be done in the item screen by one click while scrolling.
The favorites list is reachable from the main menu.


A new chat can be started from an item screen. Older chats are kept in the chats screen and it is reachable from the main menu.
The users can share their location and more photos of the items in the chat, this keeps all the communication within the app and all the information needed in one screen.


Home screen
Filter screen
Registration Screen
Item screen
Chats screen
Chat screenn